Eloquent Scribbles

  • What are you most thankful for?

    I am thankful for my life, breath, and my health.

    Several years ago, shooting pains started traveling down my legs, and my wrists would lose all strength, dropping anything – or anyone – in my hands.

    The first doctor I saw told me I had an auto-immune disorder; I later learned it was likely MS. The second doctor I saw was a total quack. As I sat in his sterile patient room, I prayed the results from the second wave of tests would be conclusive. Instead of sitting with me to review the findings, the doctor literally opened the door, popped his head and said, “You are fine. Go home.” The door was closed before I could respond, let alone process his abrupt statement.

    While it may not be MS, things are not “fine”. I see another neurologist next week.

    Despite this challenging season, I have learned to find serenity in the chaos and to treasure each and every day. Life is a wild, wonderful journey, and I am just grateful to still be on this side of heaven.

  • When did you have a time of “recalibration”?

    When I turned in my resignation.

    Despite all the worries which could’ve assailed my mind, I was filled with a peace that surpassed understanding. My little girl is our most precious treasure, and she has helped me redefine my ‘why.’

    The why matters.

    My new freelance work matters deeply to me for two reasons. First, I want to use my skills to earn an income and have the flexibility many corporate companies don’t offer. Second, I simply have a passion for words and stringing them together in a meaningful way. Words can breathe life, lift a spirit, and inspire; they can also tear down and brand a heart with negativity. I want to do the former.

  • What inspires you?

    While holding one of her littles in her arms, she answered, “My children inspire me. I am more aware of my actions, attitude, and words when they are around, and they push me to be a better me. That, and these little ones bolster my courage; in situations I may otherwise be too timid to do or say something, they fuel a fire within me, giving me the confidence to speak up, act, be more personal, etcetera.”

  • What are you most proud of?

    I am most proud of giving birth. Before I had my daughter, I tried to appreciate how hard labor must be, but it’s just one of those experiences you simply can’t comprehend until you go through it yourself. My labor was long, but I got through it and pushed her out. Yes, giving birth was a crowning achievement.”

  • Creatures of Columbus

    Inspired by the BIG TALK questions and Humans of New York, Eloquent Scribble’s Creatures of Columbus will feature snippets of 1×1 interviews, revealing answers to some deep questions and inviting the reader to see a real part of someone’s life. Moving beyond just being self-aware, these posts will hopefully challenge the reader to really see others and look for ways to infuse real questions into his/her own relationships.

  • Let’s Get Real

    I am sick of small talk.

    While there is a time and place for, “Hi, how are you?” followed by “Good, how are you?”, I crave more. I want deeper, authentic relationships where the conversation goes beyond the weather, general updates, vacation highlights, and other surface-level topics that find themselves as social media posts followed by an exclamation point.

    I have always been inquisitive. (An OSU professor even told me once I was limited to three questions per class!) I enjoy learning about unfamiliar topics and when I don’t know someone, I want to strike up a conversation. I am simply hardwired to connect. In fact, we all are.

    However, connection – real connection – requires openness, vulnerability, courage. It is risky business, and while sometimes it can result in pain, connections also create the most beautiful tapestry. And to weave a tapestry together, you have to go beyond small talk.