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Creatures of Columbus

Inspired by the BIG TALK questions and Humans of New York, Eloquent Scribble’s Creatures of Columbus will feature snippets of 1×1 interviews, revealing answers to some deep questions and inviting the reader to see a real part of someone’s life. Moving beyond just being self-aware, these posts will hopefully challenge the reader to really see others and look for ways to infuse real questions into his/her own relationships.

  • Why did you move to Columbus?

    At a high level, we moved to Columbus to be closer to family. It wasn’t the original plan though. The original plan was to move closer to my family; we went as far as visiting my hometown, picking out an apartment, checking out the daycare options and schools for our kids, and considering job offers….
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  • Why did you move to Columbus?

    You would’ve thought the move to Columbus would’ve been easy because we’ve moved more for my husband’s job than many military families. Initially, Minnesota was just another state to add to our long list of states we had lived in. However, the move to Ohio was really difficult. You see, we had lived in Minnesota…
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  • Why are you riding across the county?

    This cyclist’s coast to coast pedal adventure recently intersected with Columbus, Ohio, and while biking 3,500 miles is a feat in itself, surviving a serious car accident and being physically fit to complete the ride is what makes Chase one in a million. On Friday, January 13, 2017, at 2:03 p.m., Chase’s life changed forever….
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  • Greatest fear and hope to combat it

    Honestly, I didn’t struggle with fear or anxiety before becoming a mom. Fear simply wasn’t a stronghold for me. However, it is amazing how much fear and anxiety motherhood brings. You know, the kind that keeps you awake at night or weasels into your head while driving or assaults your mind when you should be…
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  • What do you want your future to hold?

    The future has been on my heart recently. I struggle with answering this question because fear has a grip on me, and I have been feeling very scattered. As I get older, mortality consumes my thoughts. My parents are aging, and I simply can’t imagine life without them. But, as the saying goes, the only…
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  • Who has impacted your life?

    My dad lived a lie for a long time. Whether rooted in pride, shame, jealousy, etc., lies are like weeds. They are first and foremost ugly; and, if not dealt with, they grow, spread, and choke out life. For me personally, a powerfully painful lie choked and ended my mom and dad’s marriage and damaged…
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  • Helping People Bloom

    My niece lived with me for a year; when she arrived, she was lost and lacked direction. I encouraged her to try new things, helped her learn the value of a dollar, and engaged in real conversations with her. When she left my home, she was an unstoppable force going after her dreams, and I…
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