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Monthly Archives: April 2023

  • Who has impacted your life?

    My dad lived a lie for a long time. Whether rooted in pride, shame, jealousy, etc., lies are like weeds. They are first and foremost ugly; and, if not dealt with, they grow, spread, and choke out life. For me personally, a powerfully painful lie choked and ended my mom and dad’s marriage and damaged…
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  • Helping People Bloom

    My niece lived with me for a year; when she arrived, she was lost and lacked direction. I encouraged her to try new things, helped her learn the value of a dollar, and engaged in real conversations with her. When she left my home, she was an unstoppable force going after her dreams, and I…
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  • Defining Life Story

    When I was younger, my parents felt led to move our family across the globe. While their intentions were good, it was a difficult, molding experience. I had a hard time adjusting. I missed home. And, learning an entirely new culture – especially during those tween years – was tough. To add insult to injury,…
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