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Yearly Archives: 2023

  • Time

    Time. It has been on my mind recently. There are so many platitudes about it – time is short, time flies, killin’ time, time waits for no one, the days are long and the years are short. (There is even a specific time I am supposed to publish this post.) Time is personified as “Father…
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  • Happy Thanksgiving

    I have a hard time being still. I crave the time, but distractions abound. The towels need washed. The table needs wiped down. Evidence of yesterday’s dinner is still under the kids’ chairs. Last Friday, I was forced to be still for 30 minutes because my oldest wanted to be picked up in the pick-up…
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  • Different, Not Less

    To say I wrestled with the prenatal Down syndrome diagnosis would be a gross understatement. It rocked me to my core and, on a personal level, revealed the myth of religious fulfillment I had let creep into my heart. I cried, I grew angry, I lamented, I prayed for deliverance, I compared, I wrestled, I…
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  • Memorable story from the past

    After high school, three friends and I piled into a Plymouth station wagon and drove down to Florida. My summer job didn’t start for another week, and my steady girlfriend was off to Europe to meet some distant relatives and travel. She was far more adventurous than I, and while that whim of a trip…
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  • Foam Soap

    Sweetie, it’s okay. I’ll get you more,” I reassured my little blessing, as most of the foam soap on her little hands slipped into the sink before she could wash her hands together. The fallen soap completely captivated her attention, and rather than trusting I would supply her with more soap and continuing the song,…
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  • What bumper sticker would you buy?

    You know the bumper stickers reading, People Suck? I would buy that one. I am kidding. Sort of. In all honesty, it isn’t necessarily that people suck; well, unless you are talking about my mother-in-law, and that dynamic just can’t be defined by a bumper sticker! I kid, I kid. Anyway, back to my point: it isn’t…
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  • Parenting & Legacy

    She wasn’t planned, but I am so glad we had her. My daughter flipped my life upside down, and I landed on my feet, grounded and stronger. Before she came along, I was extremely career driven. Granted, there is nothing wrong with being driven to excel in your career, but my drive would’ve taken me…
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  • Cloak of invisibility

    You know the people who act perpetually happy? Or, the individuals who purposefully plant seeds of discord? I would use a cloak of invisibility to observe them behind closed doors to see who they really are. For those who are always, “good”, is it a façade, simply a Facebook version of life? Perhaps they are…
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