But God. . .

- Written By Lynn West

This Bible study is a 10-week study created for mothers of children with disabilities. With weekly content ranging from 1,300 - 2,800 words, each week includes a podcast or sermon to listen to, sections of scripture to reflect on, and thought-provoking content and questions to grapple with. Whether you're a Christian seeking a relatable study or a woman searching for hope in the unexpected, But God offers a meaningful and transformative experience.


  • Prologue, The Illusion of a Perfect Life

    I stared up at the ceiling, uneasy about what I’d agreed to that day. With concerted effort, I rolled over and squinted to make out the time: 4:52. In my younger years, I would have considered it still nighttime, but now I never slept past five, even if I tried.

  • Chapter 1, The Illusion of a Perfect Life

    It was a warm summer day, and despite the rain, most of the windows were open. I was studying in the library – my favorite part of the house. I loved the smell of all the old books, Grandma’s handwoven rug on the floor, and the picture of Johnny that hung on the wall.

  • Week 1, But God

    “We will never get back the life we waste trying to be normal.” Atticus

  • Week 5, But God

    “My faith didn’t remove the pain, but it got me through the pain. Trusting God didn’t diminish or vanquish the anguish, but it enabled me to endure it.” Robert Rogers
The Illusion of a Perfect Life  (available now)

But God (coming soon)

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Reviews for The Illusion of a Perfect Life

  • If you like fairy tales and shedding happy tears, this isn't the book for you. But if you're the type of person that likes to people-watch at airports, this is your book. I cried, said "No she didn't!!" out loud, and breathed sighs of frustration and relief throughout the book. Highly recommend!                                                                         - Jackie J.
    If you’re looking for a fresh original story that will invigorate a wide range of emotions, this is the book for you. She articulates the story to make it seem personal, which helped me understand and even relate to the characters. From the small amount of research I performed, this is Lynn West’s first published book. That being said, I am now patiently awaiting another novel from her! Bravo! - Matt S.
  • Character voices and timelines are woven into an engaging story about an event that reverberates through multiple families and generations. The characters’ reactions to both suffering and blessings lead to very different outcomes, offering them and us an opportunity to reflect on how our choices affect the trajectory of our lives and of those around us. West's exploration of human behavior is both enthralling and illuminating. A great read! 
    The Illusion of a Perfect Life drew me in right from the beginning, and I did not want to put it down. I had a love/hate relationship with the main character, a myriad of emotions rose up throughout, and I voiced, "One more chapter," enough times that the book was finished in just a few days. Certainly worth the read! - John H.

Eloquent Scribbles - A blog


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What lesson did you learn the hard way?

01 Jul 23

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